(SBI CBO) भारतीय स्टेट बँकेत CBO पदाच्या 5280 जागांसाठी भरती

SBI CBO Recruitment 2023

State Bank of India (SBI), SBI CBO Recruitment 2023 (SBI CBO Bharti 2023) for 5280 Circle Based Officer (CBO) Posts. 

जाहिरात क्र.: CRPD/CBO/2023-24/18

sbi cbo recruitment 2023

Total: 5280 जागा

पदाचे नाव: सर्कल बेस्ड ऑफिसर्स (CBO)

78738814215272157 5280

शैक्षणिक पात्रता: (i) कोणत्याही शाखेतील पदवी   (ii) बँकेतील 02 वर्षे अनुभव.

वयाची अट: 31 ऑक्टोबर 2023 रोजी 21 ते 30 वर्षे [SC/ST: 05 वर्षे सूट, OBC: 03 वर्षे सूट]

नोकरी ठिकाण: संपूर्ण भारत

SBI CBO 2023 Application Fee

The online application fee for SBI CBO 2023 exam fee has already been released. A total of Rs. 750/- is to be paid by candidates belonging to General Category as the application fee for SBI Circle Based Officer 2023 exam. The same amount is narrowed down to Rs. 0/- for candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD category.

Other CategoryRs. 750

SBI CBO 2023 Exam Pattern

The total time duration for SBI CBO Online test is 2 hours and 30 minutes. Check the section-wise exam pattern for the online examination below. Check the updated SBI CBO Exam Pattern 2023 described here.

SBI CBO Test A: Objective Test (Online)

Name of TestNo of QuestionsMax MarksDuration
English Language303030 mins
Banking Knowledge404040 mins
General Awareness/Economy303030 mins
Computer Aptitude 202020 mins
Total1201202 hours

SBI CBO Test B: Descriptive Test (Online)- 30 minutes

B. Name of Test (Descriptive Test)No of QuestionsMax MarksDuration
Letter Writing12530 mins
Essay-250 words on banking related125
Total25030 mins

Penalty for Wrong Answers:

There will be no penalty for wrong answers marked in Objective Tests. If a question is left blank, i.e. if no answer is marked by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question too.

SBI CBO 2023 Syllabus

The subject-wise syllabus for SBI Circle-Based Officer has been tabulated below for your reference. If you are planning to begin with the preparation for SBI CBO 2023 Exam, then do not skip any topic from the below table-

Reasoning AbilityEnglish LanguageQuantitative AptitudeGeneral Awareness and Computer Knowledge
Seating ArrangementsPuzzlesInequalitiesSyllogismInput-OutputData SufficiencyBlood RelationsOrder and RankingAlphanumeric SeriesDistance and DirectionVerbal ReasoningCloze TestReading ComprehensionSpotting ErrorsSentence ImprovementSentence CorrectionPara JumblesFill in the BlanksPara/Sentence CompletionNumber SeriesData InterpretationSimplification/ ApproximationQuadratic EquationData SufficiencyMensurationAverageProfit and LossRatio and ProportionWork, Time, and EnergyTime and DistanceProbabilityRelationsSimple and Compound InterestPermutation and CombinationCurrent AffairsBanking AwarenessGK UpdatesCurrenciesImportant PlacesBooks and AuthorsAwardsHeadquartersPrime Minister SchemesImportant DaysBasic Computer Knowledge

Online अर्ज करण्याची शेवटची तारीख: 12 डिसेंबर 2023

परीक्षा (Online): जानेवारी 2024

अधिकृत वेबसाईट: पाहा

जाहिरात (Notification): पाहा 

Online अर्ज: Apply Online


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